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When to Call for a Professional Drain Cleaning

drain in a sinkThere is nothing like the fear and impending doom that comes with rising water levels of a freshly flushed toilet. In fact, there are few people who do not take to praying that it will not spill over onto the floor. While the issue may be easily fixed with a plunger, it may also indicate that a bigger problem looms and you are in need of a professional drain cleaning. If this is the case, New Age Plumbing is here to help. 

What Happens in the Bathroom, Stays in the Bathroom (Without a Professional Drain Cleaning)

If you find yourself having to plunge the toilet with almost every flush, then you should probably have a plumber come out for a drain cleaning. This often indicates that there is a blockage in your outgoing plumbing and the water in your toilet has nowhere to go when you flush. Additionally, if the opposite is true and you do not have enough water to flush, you should have your drains looked at.

The same is true with other appliances, as well. If you notice that your washing machine is not filling or emptying properly, it may be a drain issue. You should call for a professional drain cleaning, even if you can get it partially unblocked as there may be something out of reach or sight that is causing the issue.

The unmistakable odor that has been hilariously joked about should dissipate shortly after the flush. Furthermore, it should not come from anywhere else. If you find that there are several specific drains in your home that have funk, then you probably need a plumber to do a drain cleaning. No matter how much air freshener you use, that odor will not go away until you do.

Of course, humans are not the only source of drain clogs and not all drain obstructions occur in exit pipes. If you notice that your shower head or sink faucet has little or no pressure all of a sudden, it may be due to a natural build-up of hard water minerals. This is especially true if it only affects one appliance. That is an indication that a clog is likely blocking a portion of that piping.

Drain Cleanings Keep Pipes Going in the Right Direction

There is nothing worse than going to step into the shower and noticing that it is filled with dirty toilet water. This is a result of backflow. Backflow happens when water bubbles back into your sink, shower, or tub because the drainage doesn’t have a clear path. Backflow can occur in appliances as well,  and can also cause water to back up on one side of your kitchen sink while you wash dishes on the other. Be aware that backflow can also appear in an unconnected drain and water will come up in your shower when you flush the toilet.

If you are in El Paso and have any of these issues occurring in your bathroom, call New Age Plumbing. They have been helping residents unload for over 10 years.